TxDOT Research Project

Accommodating Oversize & Overweight Loads

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Project Summary
Adequate management of oversize/overweight (OS/OW) permit loads throughout the state of Texas is critical to maintaining a vibrant state economy. The growth in the number and size of permit loads in recent years is clear evidence that new tools and new techniques are needed to match this growth without causing undue delays to permit applicants. Problems such as increasing prevalence of reroutes due to maintenance and other district activities, along with potential damage to the highway infrastructure from permit loads led to this research project. One other significant commitment to help resolve these issues, which is already underway, is development of a new automated routing program-Texas Permit Routing Optimization System (TxPROS). Its completion coincides with the beginning of this research project, so this project can achieve its objectives even more effectively. Research objectives are to: - identify the most common OS/OW dimension and weight groups, - identify criteria for assigning these OS/OW groups to existing road networks, and - identify criteria for assigning current and projected OS/OW groups to the future road network upgraded to meet future demand. Recommended actions will include use of technologies to improve verification that the permit requirements were met during the move and that establish near real time communication between the Motor Carrier Division (MCD), the carrier, and perhaps the district(s). The research project will result in a statewide map recommending primary and alternate OS/OW route networks for the most common origins and destinations based on historical MCD data.

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Performing Institution(s)
Texas A & M Transportation Institute (TTI)
Research Team
RS: Dan Middleton
Index Terms
Motor carriers
Oversize loads
Overweight loads
Lead University
Middleton, D. R. (Dan R.)

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This project was included in the "2012 Research Impacts​: Better--Faster--Cheaper" publication by AASHTO RAC (Research Advisory Council) -- https://research.transportation.org/High-Value-Research-Projects/
12/18/2017 at 1:49 PM
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Record Updated:
10/30/2023 11:50 AM EDT

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Texas Department of Transportation Research and Technology Implementation Division (RTI)

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