Publication Details

Traffic and Transportation Simulation: Looking Back and Looking Ahead: Celebrating 50 Years of Traffic Flow Theory, a Workshop

Report No.:
Circular E-C 195
Transportation Research Board


Washington, D.C.
National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board


Transportation Research Circular (Online)
Online document
1 PDF (156 pages)

"With the accomplishments of the past 50 years in mind, the workshop focused on traffic and transportation simulation—looking back and looking ahead... It was an appropriate time to recognize past accomplishments in the simulation field, reflect on the present state of the research community, and identify key future directions. The committee invited top experts in the field to provide discussion papers on the history, current status, and future of traffic simulation. The audience was asked to provide input and frame a forward-looking discussion of future trends and research needs. We are very pleased to publish eight of these papers in this e-circular as part of our legacy." --Preface

"The Traffic EXperimental and Analytical Simulation Model for Intersection Traffic (TEXAS Model) was developed by the Center for Transportation Research at the University of Texas at Austin beginning in the late 1960s under the leadership of Dr. Clyde E. Lee. Dr. Thomas W. Rioux was leader of the team of graduate students that developed the TEXAS Model and has been upgrading the TEXAS Model since its initial development. The TEXAS Model is being enhanced to include connected vehicle messages by Harmonia Holdings Group and Rioux to be a test bed for connected vehicle applications. The TEXAS Model source code is available for use by the public under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. The TEXAS Model source code for the standard version may be downloaded from while the version with Connected Vehicle applications may be downloaded from . This paper chronicles the evolution of the TEXAS Model simulation animation from the early 1970s through 2008 and the early traffic flow theory concepts of triangular acceleration, triangular deceleration, equations of motion, car following, intersection conflict checking, intersection conflict avoidance, sight distance restriction checking, lane changing, and crashes."--p.30


Publ. Place
Washington, D.C.


Traffic Flow Modeling: Genealogy / Femke van Wageningen-Kessels, Serge P. Hoogendoorn, Kees Vuik, and Hans van Lint --
Brief History of Traffic Simulation / Edward B. Lieberman --
Evolution of the TEXAS Model for Intersection Traffic Simulation Animation and Traffic Flow Theory Milestones / Thomas W. "Tom" Rioux --
History of VISSIM’s Development / Peter Vortisch --
Evolution of SUMO’s Simulation Model / Michael Behrisch, Laura Bieker, Jakob Erdmann, Melanie Knocke, Daniel Krajzewicz, and Peter Wagner --
Some Thoughts on Future Directions for Managing Uncertainty in Stochastic Traffic Models (Abstract Only) / Vincenzo Punzo --
Big Data and the Calibration and Validation of Traffic Simulation Models / Kaan Ozbay, Sandeep Mudigonda, Ender Faruk Morgul, Hong Yang, and Bekir Bartin --
Looking Forward, Looking Back on Computer Simulation Models of Safety / William Young, Amir Sobhani, Kayvan Aghabayk, and Majid Sarv --
Appendix: Thoughts on Traffic Simulation Models (Powerpoint Presentation) / Alexander Skabardonis


"January 12, 2014, Washington, D.C."


TRB Online Only
Call Number:
TR E-Circular 195
Mobile communication systems
Test beds
Traffic flow theory
Traffic models
Traffic simulation

Proper Names
Traffic EXperimental and Analytical Simulation Model for Intersection Traffic (TEXAS Model)

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Rioux, Thomas W.
National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board

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July 12, 2017 12:49:53

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