Publication Details

Construction and Load Tests of a Segmental Precast Box Girder Bridge Model

-- Interim
Report No.:
CFHR 3-5-69-121-5
by S. Kashima and John E. Breen


Austin, Texas
University of Texas at Austin. Center for Highway Research


Hard copy + Online document
1 volume (284 pages)

Access Note:
8.7 MB
The cantilever construction of the first segmental precast prestressed concrete box girder bridge in the United States has been recently completed on the John F. Kennedy Memorial Causeway, Corpus Christi, Texas. The segments were precast, transported to the site, and erected by the balanced cantilever method of post-tensioned construction, using epoxy resin as a jointing material. In order to check the applicability and accuracy of the design criteria, analytical methods, construction techniques, and the shear performance of the epoxy joints, an accurate one-sixth scale model of the three-span continuous bridge was built at the Civil Engineering Structures Research Laboratory of The University of Texas Balcones Research Center. This report documents the construction and load testing of the bridge. Experimental results are compared with analytical values for the various stages of construction, service loadings, ultimate proof loadings, and final failure tests. During the cantilever construction and under service level loadings after completion, experimental results generally agreed with the computerized theoretical analyses. Because of the general absence of warping, a beam theory analysis reasonably predicted behavior of the bridge during the cantilever construction and under uniform service level loading. However, a folded plate theory analysis was required to predict distribution for nonuniform loadings and transverse moment distribution for wheel loadings. Ultimate load theories correctly indicated the load capacity of the structure when all loading and structural configurations were considered.


Publ. Place
Austin, Texas


Chapter 1. Introduction --
Chapter 2. Scale Factors for the Bridge Model (Factors Affecting Scale Selection; Dimensions of Prototype and Model Bridge; Choice of Materials) --
Chapter 3. Material Properties (Concrete; Steel; Epoxy Resin as a Jointing Material) --
Chapter 4. Segment Details --
Chapter 5. Instrumentation and Data Reduction --
Chapter 6. Construction Operations and Observations --
Chapter 7. Design Service and Ultimate Load Tests --
Chapter 8. Failure Load Tests --
Chapter 9. Special Measurements --
Chapter 10. Conclusions and Recommendations --
Appendix A. Prototype Bridge Plans --
Appendix B. Specification for Epoxy Bonding Agent --
Appendix C. Notation


"February 1975"


Study Number
TxDOT Research Project 0-121
THD Study 3-5-69-121


Study Title
Design Procedures for Long-Span Prestressed Concrete Bridges of Segmental Construction


Study Sponsor


Lead University


TxDOT/University Research
Call Number:
Copies Owned:
Reference Copy + Loan Copy
Box girders
Epoxy resins
Girder bridges
Load tests
Precast concrete
Prestressed concrete


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TxDOT Research Project 0-121
THD Study 3-5-69-121

Kashima, Satoshi, 1944-
Breen, J. E. (John Edward), 1932-

9/24/2024 8:57:35

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