TxDOT Research Project

Weather-Responsive Management Strategies

What Was the Need?
Weather-responsive management and maintenance strategies are innovative approaches to traffic operations management and roadway maintenance that mitigate the effects of adverse weather on the transportation system. Desired outcomes of these strategies include reduced weather-related vehicle crashes, decreased delays, improved mobility, and environmental benefits.

Project Summary
This project will demonstrate a strategy to improve safety and reliability to reduce costs and improve dissemination of information to travellers via roadway ice maintenance and traffic operations integrations. The demonstrated strategy leverages mobile and connected vehicle data, as well as weather-related data sources, to closely track TxDOT ice prevention and response activities, public driving patterns, and regional precipitation. The outcome is to optimize the application of anti-icing agent and ice removal activities, as well as to inform travellers of road conditions and treatment progress. With this demonstration, this project enhances the value of current and future strategy implementation by showcasing data archiving and analysis processes that fit within TxDOT information technology (IT) architecture and cybersecurity model, actionable choices presented through decision support systems, better public awareness through relevant information dissemination strategies, system robustness through data quality checking, and better understanding through performance metrics. All of these elements are critical for any well-developed weather-responsive management and maintenance strategy.

Project Number

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Start Date
End Date
Performing Institution(s)
Center for Transportation Research (CTR)
Research Team
Research Supervisor: Chandra Bhat
Project Manager
Darrin Jensen
Contract Specialist
Emily Ruiz
TxDOT Advisor
Dan Richardson, ABL
Barbara Russell, TRF
John Nevares, AUS
David McDonald, TRF
Ab Maamar-Tayeb, BRG
Amount Funded
Publications Note
For recently completed projects without reports listed, please contact the Research Supervisor (RS) listed in Project Details if information is needed about the status of research findings.
Functional Area
Safety and Operations
Index Terms
Road weather information systems
Winter maintenance
Weather conditions
Weather routing
Snow and ice control
Data communications
Lead University
Bhat, Chandra R. (Chandrasekhar R. ), 1964-
TxDOT District

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A description of this project was presented at the December 2019 TxSTIC meeting and can be found starting on page 28 of the presentation compilation: http://www.txstic.org/docs/TXSTIC_dec5_presentation.pdf

The project team includes: Wade Odell (RS, TxDOT RTI), TxDOT Advisory: Daniel Richardson (Dir. Traffic Ops., Abilene), John Nevares (District Traf. Engr., Austin District), David McDonald (Traffic Incident Mgmt. Coordinator), and CTR-UT Austin Research Team: Chandra Bhat (PI), Christian Claudel (Co-PI), Kenneth Perrine (PM, Researcher), Brandy Savarese (Researcher), Aupal Mondal (Graduate Research Assistant), Hassan Iqbal (Graduate Research Assistant), Jonathan Butler (Undergraduate Research Assistant)

The project is an FHWA Every Day Counts (EDC-5) initiative. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/innovation/everydaycounts/edc_5/weather_strategies.cfm
8/14/2020 at 10:14 AM
Record Added:
Record Updated:
2/8/2024 5:31 AM EST

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