Publication Details

Interstate Highway System Designations

Texas Department of Transportation


Austin, Texas
Texas. Department of Transportation


Educational series (Texas Department of Transportation)
Online document
1 PDF (6 pages)

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"The United States Congress first created the Interstate Highway System, now formally known as the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, in 1958. While Congress has extended the length and definitions of the Interstate Highway System various times since then, interstate highways have remained critical roadway infrastructure that connect the nation's principal metropolitan areas, cities, and industrial centers, serve the national defense, and provide important corridors to Canada and Mexico. The Interstate Highway System in Texas helps to facilitate the safe movement of people and goods and connects Texans and visitors to Texas. According to the 2018 Texas Roadway Inventory, there are more than 8,300 interstate centerline miles (or 26,000 interstate lane miles) in Texas. Federal law prescribes a multi-step process for interstate highway designation involving many transportation partners, including Congress, the United States Department of Transportation, and state departments of transportation."--page 2


Publ. Place
Austin, Texas


"Publication Date: January 2021"


States (TX) Online Only
Information dissemination
Interstate highways
Public information programs
State departments of transportation

Proper Names
Texas Department of Transportation

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Texas. Department of Transportation. Governmental Affairs Division

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