Publication Details

Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas

-- 2012 Edition Revision 3 June 2020
[Austin, TX]
Texas. Department of Transportation


Online document
1 PDF (1,400 pages)

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67.3 MB
" Detailed drawings of the Standard Highway Signs for Texas prescribed or provided for in the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD), have been prepared by the Texas Department of Transportation, for use by all traffic authorities, agencies, jurisdictions and persons involved with the fabrication, installation and maintenance of traffic signs on streets and highways in the State of Texas. These drawings are presented in English measure design units and are provided to promote uniformity in design... The Standard Highway Signs book prescribes design details for up to five different sizes depending on the type of traffic facility including bikeways. Smaller sizes are designed to be used on bikeways and some other off-road applications. Larger sizes are designed for use on freeways, expressways, and can also be used to enhance road user safety and convenience on other facilities, especially on multilane divided highways and on undivided highways having five or more lanes of traffic an/or high speeds."


Publ. Place
[Austin, TX]


"June 2020"


Other Titles
SHSD 2012 edition revision 3


States (TX) Online Only
Traffic control devices
Traffic signs

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Superseded by Revision 4, 2021

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