TxDOT Research Project

Incorporating Wildlife Crossings into TxDOT's Project Development, Design and Operations Processes

Ocelot approaching a crossing at SH 100 in Texas' Pharr District
What Was the Need?
As Texas human population increases, vehicles and wildlife increasingly intersect, with detrimental economic, ecological, and safety-related consequences. TxDOT had previously not assessed the magnitude of the animal-vehicle collision (AVC) problem in Texas nor created policy to reduce these collisions. Texas has a wide diversity of wildlife that also pose a potential driving danger across 13 distinct ecoregions. For example, the state’s estimated 3.6 million white-tailed deer provide hunting, recreation, and income opportunities while also being involved in many of Texas’ reported AVCs. From 2007 through 2016, the 73,597 AVCs resulted in 177 human fatalities.

What's the Solution?
Through this project, researchers found that if mitigation strategies are developed based on solid data analysis, careful study of the environmental conditions, and coordination among different divisions within TxDOT, the strategies can be cost-effective and deliver results.

Analysis showed high benefit-cost ratios for implementing different types of mitigation, especially when underpasses / overpasses are combined with fencing.

Several TxDOT districts have already initiated successful programs to minimize animal-vehicle collisions and can provide guidance on planning, designing, construction and maintenance.

Research Benefits
Mitigation strategies can significantly improve traveler safety, foster wildlife connectivity, alert TxDOT staff to the value in preserving the state’s wildlife, and ensure that Texas will demonstrate leadership on this issue for other state DOTs.

Project Number

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Start Date
End Date
Performing Institution(s)
Center for Transportation Research (CTR)
Research Team
RS: Nan Jiang (January 2018-present); Lisa Loftus-Otway Esq (fy18)
Project Manager
Chris Glancy
Contract Specialist
Barbara Davenport
TxDOT Advisor
Stirling Robertson, ENV
John Young, Jr., ENV
John P. Maresh, ENV
Robin Gelston, PHR
Amount Funded
FY18: $197,510
FY19: $74,405
Functional Area
Planning and Environmental
Index Terms
Wildlife crossings
Habitat (Ecology)
Animal migrations
Roadside fauna
Crash causes
Lead University
Jiang, Nan, Ph. D.
Loftus-Otway, Lisa Dawn

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A related journal article is also available:

Wilkins, Devin C., Kara M. Kockelman, and Nan Jiang. "Animal-vehicle Collisions in Texas: How to Protect Travelers and Animals on Roadways." Accident Analysis & Prevention 131 (July 2, 2019): 157-70. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2019.05.030.

7/5/2019 at 9:21 AM
Record Added:
Record Updated:
11/5/2024 5:30 AM EST

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Texas Department of Transportation Research and Technology Implementation Division (RTI)

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