Deleting Content

Caution! These procedures permanently delete records. Do not perform these actions on a live database unless you have a full, recent backup.

To permanently delete one or several records:

  1. Do a search.

  2. On the Search Results page, select any item(s) that you want to delete.

  3. Select Delete in the Act on Content Toolbar.

  4. Confirm or cancel the deletion.

To delete all records, one content type at a time (UI method)

If your database does not include a large number of records, you can use the following method to delete all records, one content type at a time:

  1. Type an asterisk (*) in the Quick Search box to find all records in the database.

  2. On the Search Results page, click Show all matching <content type> to select all records of that content type.

  3. Click Select All to select all the records on the current page, then click Delete and confirm the deletion. Repeat if there are additional pages of records.

  4. To delete records in other content types, repeat the previous two steps.

To delete all records, one content type at a time (Command method)

Using the ContentLoader console application is a powerful alternative to using the UI. It is more efficient, because you do not have to select pages of records; and it hard-deletes them in a single step. Note: For more information, please see the Import and Export Configuration Guide.

  1. Important! Stop Inmagic Presto Services and Internet Information Services (IIS). Skipping this step may result in data corruption.

  2. Open a Windows Command Prompt.

  3. Navigate to the \Webapps\Mercury\bin\ folder under the Presto installation folder.

  4. Enter the following command:

ContentLoader DeleteContent "<content-type-name-or-id>"

For example:

ContentLoader DeleteContent "Audio"

  1. Repeat the command to delete records in other content types.