Publication Details

DOWNTOWN AUSTIN: Analyzing the Impact of Converting 7th and 8th Streets to Two-ways on Morning and Evening Peak Traffic Conditions

Prepared by the Network Modeling Center at The University of Texas at Austin For the City of Austin


Austin, Texas
University of Texas at Austin. Network Modeling Center (NMC)


Online document
1 PDF (21 pages)

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"The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of converting 7th and 8th Streets to two-ways for downtown travel. To this end, two dynamic traffic assignment models were developed for the downtown region, corresponding to the morning and evening peak periods. The two conditions evaluated in each of these models are 1) no change to the downtown network (7th and 8th Streets are four-lane, one-way roads between Guadalupe Street and IH-35; 7th Street is eastbound and 8th Street is westbound), and 2) 7th and 8th Streets are converted to two-way roadways with two lanes in each direction between Guadalupe Street and IH-35. Model results show a minimal impact of the change on downtown traffic. For many travelers, the change represents an improvement as a shorter path is now available to their destination. The conversion also allows for improved operational flexibility in the event of the closure of one roadway since both east and west directions are still available to travelers." --Executive Summary


Publ. Place
Austin, Texas


Executive Summary --
Summary of Method --
Comparison of Results --
Summary --
Appendix 1. Turning Movement Counts Tables


"July 17, 2012"


Study Sponsor


States (TX) Online Only
One way streets
Peak hour traffic
Traffic flow

Austin (Tex.)

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